From: Bob Serling
If you’d like to discover a simple, innovative way to take a single piece of Intellectual Property once, license it hundreds or even thousands of times, then repeat this again and again – this letter will show you how.
Most importantly, by licensing your IP, you can often make more money than you make from your main business.
I show you exactly how to do this in my program, IP Licensing Made Easy. It’s very different from the typical licensing methods you’ve likely seen because it multiplies the value of a single piece of Intellectual Property, delivering the value of hundreds or even thousands of pieces of Intellectual Property without any additional work.
As you’ll see in a minute, it only takes 8 simple steps – so simple, you can begin seeing significant licensing revenue in just two weeks.
Best of all, it doesn’t require you to have any previous experience with licensing or spend much time developing your IP, because every entrepreneur or business already has many forms of licensable IP that are easy to identify.
And you can capitalize on my simple licensing process over and over again, regardless of whether you’re a complete beginner with licensing or you’ve had years of experience.
As I mentioned, using IP Licensing Made Easy gives you the ability to make far more by licensing your IP than you’d ever make by selling it.
How much more?
With one of my own marketing services, I made $420,000 delivering it. But that pales in comparison to the $2.7 million I made by licensing it.
Then there’s my once student and now friend, Johann Nogueira. His company makes about $1 million a year from sales of his software – and another $9 million from licensing it!
This program will focus on the exact framework I created to license my own IP and then repeated many times with other products and services. It’s a simple framework that anyone can duplicate.
Just about any form of Intellectual Property can be licensed thousands of times. The only requirement is that your IP contains valuable benefits that many other people or businesses would like to gain.
Just a partial list of the kind of IP I’m talking about includes:
So as you can see, there’s almost no limit to the types of IP you can license. Plus, because your IP already exists, the upside is enormous and there’s no downside whatsoever.
The list I just gave you demonstrates how broad the range of licensable IP really is. And it probably sparked a number of ideas already for licensing your own Intellectual Property.
But let’s drill a bit deeper. Because I’m sure the two burning questions you have right now are...
Fortunately, it’s very easy to determine where your business stands on this.
The seven questions below will tell you immediately whether or not you stand to benefit by licensing your Intellectual Property to other companies. Take a minute to answer them now:
Question 1: Do you have a product or course that sells well and could benefit from greater sales reach?
Question 2: Do you offer a service that other service providers could also offer, giving you broader market coverage?
Question 3: Are there additional markets you could be selling into but don’t have the staff or budget to cultivate these sales?
Question 4: Have you developed systems or processes that could be used effectively by other companies within your industry or in other industries?
Question 5: Have you developed proprietary software for carrying out any aspect of your business that could be used by other businesses?
Question 6: Do you have marketing methods or materials that could be modified and used effectively by non-competing businesses?
Question 7: Do you have any other processes, systems, formulas or any other form of Intellectual Property that would be of value to other businesses?
If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these questions, then your business is in a position to license out your Intellectual Property and generate large streams of income for many years to come.
So let’s switch things up and I’ll show you how this is all done.
IP Licensing Made Easy shows you how to realistically make more money by licensing your Intellectual Property than you make from your main business. And how anyone can do this with little cost and no risk.
Here’s just some of what you’ll discover
This version of IP Licensing Made Easy includes all the training, marketing pieces, and sample legal documents from my coaching program that sold for $4,250 per seat. PLUS, the all new Roadmap for licensing your IP to others to sell.
But because I’ve put this in a self-guided course format, I’m able to make it available at an ultra-low price, which I’ll reveal in a minute.
Plus, in addition to the comprehensive training materials that step you through all 8 steps of the complete system, Roadmap #1 for licensing your IP to others to use, and Roadmap #2 for licensing your IP to others to sell, you also get these bonuses…
In many of the 8 Steps of this system, you’ll need a variety of marketing and legal documents. Everything from invitation emails, to a complete follow-up sequence, appointment setting scripts, an effective sales presentation, legal agreements, training documents and more.
IP Licensing Made Easy Toolkit is a complete collection of every marketing piece and legal agreement you’ll ever need. Plus, it's all here in "done for you" format.
All documents are in Word format so all you have to do is open a document, cut and paste and you’re ready to go.
If you were to hire a skilled copywriter and documentation specialist to create a complete collection of marketing, legal and training documents like this for you, the cost would easily exceed $35,000. But you get them all in cut-and-paste format as an advantage of being a member of this program.
To make it even easier to get exceptional results even faster, I’m including a new, special bonus.
A short time ago, I recorded a LIVE, 90-minute Q&A call where I answered questions on my complete 8-step system for creating and licensing your IP. Members of the first release of this program were able to ask me questions on all aspects of licensing your IP. And their questions were right on target!
This recording gives you immediate answers to anything you may be unclear about. And I illustrate many of these answers with real-life examples from licensing my own IP and helping a number of my clients do the same. So you’re getting truly actionable advice, not some textbook theory.
As I mentioned, I’m keeping the price ultra-low on this new program.
Normally, I charge $4,250 when IP Licensing Made Easy is presented as a 6-week coaching program. And to have me work with you 1-to-1 to license your IP, the fee is $8,500 plus 20% of the profits this process produces for you.
But for this program, I’ve taken the full set of materials from the coaching program, improved them substantially, and put them into a self-guided course format.
This allows you to take the training at your own pace, without having to show up for scheduled sessions where there’s no flexibility. And it also allows me to massively reduce the price.
So I’m steeply dropping the price from $4,250 down to just $1,497. That’s a full 65% discount.
This self-guided version of IP Licensing Made Easy is now available on a members-only training site. You’ll get complete access to everything within minutes of placing your order.
And remember, because this is a self-guided version that doesn’t require 6 weeks of my providing live training and coaching, I’m steeply dropping the price from $4,250 down to just $1,497.
However, at this deep discount, all sales are final. There are no refunds and no returns and by placing your order you agree to these terms.
To get started right now on licensing your IP hundreds of times, click here:
I believe anyone who follows my simple, 8-step system can quickly create their own IP and license it hundreds or thousands of times – and repeat this over and over again, quickly making back the cost of this program many times over.
Bob Serling
P.S. Here’s the legal stuff.
First – As mentioned, because you’re getting all the materials from the Coaching version of this program that sold for $4,250, plus all the new material that greatly expands your ability to make sizable commissions by licensing your Intellectual Property, all sales are final. And there are no refunds or returns.
Second – Purchasing IP Licensing Made Easy grants you the right to use it for creating and licensing your own Intellectual Property only. You may NOT use it with clients or give, share, or sell any part of the program to anyone else. Doing so is a violation of international copyright and trademark laws.
Third – Sorry, but my lawyer wants me to make sure to state this stuff so it’s clearly understood.